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Gregory Zhdanov
Gregory Zhdanov

1. A Hard Day's Night

"We often could rely on Ringo for titles cos Ringo had this happy knack of getting things wrong - little malapropisms - and it was always better than the real one. Someone said to him, you know, you look a bit tired today. He said, 'Yeah, I've had a hard day's night, you know'. He meant it, and we all went, 'Hard Day's Night, that's great!'"

1. A Hard Day's Night

Meredith Grey, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley, Cristina Yang, and Alex Karev become interns at Seattle Grace Hospital. Meredith discovers that her one night stand was actually with one of her bosses and she and her new friends discover that being a surgeon isn't as easy or fun as they thought it would be.

In the locker room, Meredith bonds with another intern, Cristina Yang. They discover that they have the same resident, Bailey or "The Nazi". Overhearing the conversation, another introduces himself as George O'Malley. He talks nervously and tells Meredith that they met last night. He describes what she was wearing but quickly stops when he realizes they think he is gay. The three interns (along with another intern, an ex-model, Isobel Stevens) are called out to go to Bailey. Walking up to Bailey, they are shocked to see she is a woman (and not a nazi either). Isobel suggests that the nickname may be professional jealousy. Cristina scoffs but nevertheless, Isobel introduces herself to Bailey, telling her that she is Isobel Stevens but that everyone calls her Izzie. Bailey ignores the introduction, shows them their equipment, gives them a short tour and tells them her rules. She then receives a page and she and the interns run onto the roof. On the roof, a chopper lands and gives details on the patient (Katie Bryce) who is having seizures. In the hospital, the interns and nurses inject Katie who finally stops moving. Another doctor, Preston Burke, walks in and describes her as a wet fish on dry land. He then orders them to do all the basic tests. George is work ups, Cristina is to do labs, Meredith is assigned to Katie Bryce and to get her a CT. Izzie is ordered to perform rectal exams by a smiling Bailey.

Miranda Bailey complains to Burke about his decision saying that O'Malley barely made it into the program. He insists that if he terrorizes one that the rest will fall in place but Bailey continues to attempt to persuade him. Katie Bryce's parents walk into her room. After making sure Katie feels okay they question Meredith about if she may need surgery. Meredith quickly explains that she isn't the doctor. She goes to Bailey to find Burke but he is off the case so she directs Meredith to the new attending on the case, Dr. Shepherd. Meredith looks over at him just as he looks up, Meredith quickly walks away as Dr. Shepherd is her one-night stand, Derek.

George is in the operating room and up in the gallery the other interns start making bets against him but Meredith quickly defends him. George starts the procedure and it runs perfectly until the very end where he accidentally pulls the purse strings too hard and breaks them. She starts to bleed but can't think what to do. After a few seconds, Burke pushes him away and finishes up the procedure. In the gallery the interns nickname George, 007 (license to kill).

Back in the hospital (hour 24), Shepherd explains to Katie's parents that it may not be a seizure disorder. Her parents tell Shepherd they want somebody else on the case because he isn't working hard enough.

Meredith walks to the O.R where Katie is being prepped. She observes admiringly and when Derek tells her to take a look, she does so and stares amazed. She then realizes it is more that a game and they make it hard on purpose. They have lives in their hands.

Alex incorrectly diagnosed a patient with a fever with post-op pneumonia. He ordered antibiotics. When the nurse informed him that the patient wasn't getting better, he dismissed her, telling her to give the antibiotics time to work as the patient is older. When Richard questioned him about it, he was unable to come up with another possibility. Meredith spoke up with the diagnosis of pulmonary embolus and how she would treat it.

I'm not so sure people under 50 can appreciate how hard and fast The Beatles hit America in early 1964. Even for a kid scarcely 12 years old, they were a breath of fresh air, a chance for a while to forget assassinations and nuclear standoffs, and revel in four British 'lads' who seemed to hold the copyright on fun and happiness. We only saw the images of the four smiling and making clever jokes in their mop top haircuts and unique suits. Their songs were rich with melody and the 'new sound' we were all told was coming from England. They just plain could do no wrong. Naturally, for Gods such as these, movie stardom couldn't be far off. Why they were so brilliantly steered toward the movie director Richard Lester, is one of those happy movie mysteries.

A couple of days in the lives of the Fab four, as they avoid teeming mobs of teenaged girls, attend parties, give reporters a hard time, and amuse each other in hotels and on trains. Paul's crotchety grandfather (Wilfred Brambell) gets in constant trouble trying to make petty side deals; Ringo becomes melancholy and wanders off just as rehearsals for their big television performance get underway. The Telly director is coming unglued - will they make it back to the studio by airtime?

My family was on vacation at Lake Tahoe when my sister and I were dropped off at the local theater and crammed into a crowded auditorium to see A Hard Day's Night. I didn't even know there was a movie, and had only seen the Beatles once, during their appearance on the Ed Sullivan show that happened to fall on the night of my birthday.

There have been lots of movie vehicles for popular recording stars, and for every Jailhouse Rock there are four major embarrassments, like Roy Orbison's The Fastest Guitar Alive. But there's nothing like A Hard Day's Night: an unlikely black & white show with the look of a verité documentary - and the beginnings of an anarchic cutting style that captured perfectly the Beatles' impish sense of humor and effusive spontaneity. Richard Lester further stretched this approach for his followup comedy The Knack ... and How to Get It, but in this picture we were hit simultaneously by the Beatles and a stunning new visual style.

Before A Hard Day's Night, there was hardly a chance to see what the Beatles looked like - an occasional newsreel, the Ed Sullivan appearance. The show differentiated them into categories: the cute one, the cool one, the quiet one, the funny one. With modification, the public images of the four stayed the same throughout their careers. The later grief of the Beatles revolved around their need to personally evolve in a world that secretly resented any change in their pantheon.

Sharing disc one with the feature is a new short called Things They Said Today, a nicely assembled compendium of interviews, stills and clips. No Beatles music is heard. Helpful little arrows identify marginal actors and personalities in the clips. Richard Lester has the best quote: "They told me I was the father of MTV. I wrote back and demanded a blood test." The docu is unattributed. Don't try for a career in DVD, folks, as there's no future in corporate creativity. 041b061a72




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